Thursday 25 November 2010

BIG Bugs!

Today Year 2 learnt about some fascinating bugs.  A man called Martin showed us some bugs and told us some facts about them.

All of us were very brave and held or touched some of the creatures.

We saw and heard some hissing cockroaches, held a leaf insect, saw some millipedes crawl across the floor and even stroked a scorpion!

Some of us were a little unsure about stroking Lucy the red-kneed tarantula ...

 ... but most of us did and thought she was furry and friendly!

We really enjoyed it and learned lots!

Friday 19 November 2010

Children in Need

Children in Need day was a great success.  We had a very 'spotty' day.

Mrs Ovenden made Pudsey Bear biscuits for lunch which were delicious.
The staff and children dressed up in their best 'spotty' outfits.

We stuck £1 coins onto Pudsey Bear.

Thank you for all your donations, we raised over £200 for Children in Need.