Friday 24 October 2014

African Drumming & Dancing

For World Celebration Week Seneke and Chantelle came to our school to do an African drumming and dancing workshop. They taught some lucky children from year 1 and 2 how to do African drumming and dancing and then they got to perform it to the whole school! Thank you so much Seneke and Chantelle, please come back to visit us again soon.

For World Celebration Week class Fiesta was learning about Ireland. We had lots of fun making Irish soda bread. It tasted very nice with butter and jam

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Year 2 had a Victorian Day at school. We had fun being Victorian children. We  had Victorian names and wore clothes from that era.  Also we did handwriting, maths and poetry. The whole of Year 2 did a drill and sang the national anthem and we ended the day with the Lord's Prayer.

Wednesday 2 April 2014


Year 2 have been learning about E-safety. We learnt never tell anybody your password, your name or give your address over the internet and never click on pop ups. Be SMART stay safe